My house shall be called a house of prayer for all people. - Isaiah 56:7
Content Wizard Plugin
Need to allow access to edit specific regions on your pages to clients?
User View Components
Login Box
Typically, this component can be placed anywhere, however by default we have placed it into the top right corner of this website design. Once you're logged in, the login box will dissapear.
[NUMO.ACCOUNTS: LOGIN BOX(always_show=1&title=Login)]Menu Component
The links component, if included with your package, is preplaced into the top right menu once you are logged in. This provides your user a link to their "manage site" management page, if they have access to contribute on any region.
[NUMO.CONTENT SECTIONS: LINKS(include_user_links=1)]
Example DISPLAY Components
Region #1
Region #2
Allow Access To Edit Specific Regions
Different Users Can Access Different Regions
You can have unlimited users with access to unlimited regions.
Next, those users can log in via the website (login box in the top right corner of the page), and then access those regions that they have access to by selecting the "Manage Site" menu option once they're logged in.
Example Uses
Allow clients to edit only specific regions, right through their web browser.
Enable students editors on a school website to update their own regions.
System Requirements
Be sure to check your web server environment with your web hosting provider to make sure that it means the following requirements.
- Server OS: Linux or Unix
- Web Server: Apache 2 with mod_rewrite and .htaccess files
- Server Software: PHP 5+, MySQL 5+
- Not compatible with websites running FrontPage Extensions, or Windows Servers (IIS)